Streparava S.p.A. is a major player in the automotive industry for the production of powertrain and driveline systems, and the company decided to install Stain MES at its Adro premises. The collaboration with Stain transpired from the need to have reliable data to improve productivity and reduce waste and hidden costs.
The aim was to capture reliable data for operators to use in problem-solving activities, and interface data captured by the MES with SAP to automate the progress of production orders.
The MES optimised by Stain is a bespoke project geared to the Streparava production system. Stain MES integrated with SAP eliminated the admin required of operators to manually confirm phases and operations, which are now enabled automatically.
On the subject of the recent investment in Stain MES, Paolo Streparava explained:
"We needed to do it to control the process machine by machine, and to be connected with all group departments. We pushed considerably when it came to data, because we knew it was necessary and how useful it would be, that it would provide margins, and that's where we made the investment. And I have to say that with Stain MES we're getting excellent feedback."