“Sharing experiences and best practices”
Meeting Experience is a new Stain project that aims to create an exclusive community of industry professionals, who can share their experience and provide advice for anyone now implementing company digitalisation, to raise awareness on the use of MES and correct production data analysis. The project will develop around a series of informal meetings held at Stain's headquarters and an exclusive LinkedIn group, where it will be possible to share information and opinions on MES subjects and benefit from the experience of contributors. This will help our customers to think about how to implement cultural and organisational change in their businesses.
A cycle of open round table discussions, where entrepreneurs and managers from different sectors talk informally about how they dealt with their company's digital transformation in terms of technology and organisation, achieving concrete improvements by using MES. Meetings will be organised by sector, and can be attended in person or remotely through video conferencing technology.
Along with the meetings, a group will be established on LinkedIn to share expertise and knowledge on the use of MES. Group participation is exclusive, and members will be selected on the basis of their professional profile as entrepreneurs, directors or production managers. Content shared and conversations will relate exclusively to the world of production and MES. In addition to conversations on specific topics, the group will discuss technical content, and information and data from regular meetings.